Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Humble Solution... a messy problem. So our fridge has been a source of angst in our family for quite some time. The outside of the fridge, that is. It's always covered in magnets, photos, coupons and various scraps of paper that are somehow supposed to equal my grocery list (yeah, don't even get me started on how much angst grocery shopping gives me. Or preparing for grocery shopping. Or even thinking about grocery shopping. I try to avoid the whole process whenever possible. We don't eat much. Ok, just kidding, but it's the bane of my life).

Anyhoo, so back to the fridge. We have a really tiny kitchen space and it's open plan onto the living and dining areas, so when the kitchen's a mess, the whole house looks like a train smash. Or at least it makes me feel crazy! Having an untidy fridge front only adds to the feeling of clutter (not to mention that Andre mutters under his breath every time something falls off the fridge door as he opens it...poor man!) so I decided that things needed to be contained. And the only way to do that was a cork board. But the beautiful ones at my favoritist craft store EVER, were slightly too pricey, as well as far too heavy for the fridge door. So I made one.

And yes, it's a humble little creation. Pretty amateurish and all that. However, I did come up with it all by myself (although I'm sure these have been made many times over, many times more cleverly and tidily). Actually this post is just to prove that I am not completely obsessed with my child and CAN write about and show photos of other things...ha ha :)

Ingredients for my bulletin board
(I used an art canvas instead of cork)

Stretch fabric and pin
(I didn't use glue on my fabric in case I wanted to switch it out sometime

Hot glue magnets

The finished product

I had fun finally doing something crafty again, during Jack's nap, and now my fridge is orderly and my Husbie is happy.

On to conquer the ever-looming grocery list. Ugh!


Jana said...

so cute and creative! And, of course I love seeing Evie's birth announcement on display! :) Love you!

Nathan and Nicole said...

I love it! You are so creative.

Brie said...

Way to come up with a great affordable solution! Looks great :)

Carla said...

Awesome job, Christy! I think we are on the same wavelength :)