Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ramblings: A Scrummy Mummy Post

I'm processing, so bear with me.

The transition into motherhood can be a strange thing. You go from being consumed with just your own self, your very pregnant self, to suddenly being consumed with feedings, changings, bathings, naps, for someone else. At first, it's all you do all day long. It's a full time job that first 6 weeks or so. And then things right themselves somewhat, as baby learns the difference between night and day, figures out this breathing, eating, living thing, and realizes that he can actually go more than three hours without waking up to eat.

You gradually start to add your old, familiar doings back into your day. You say hello to a book or two, become familiar with your kitchen again and spend more than two minutes in front of the mirror.

But, no matter how much you try to "get back to normal" things will never be the same (I've been told this so many times, I might just smack the next person who says it to me. I KNOW ALREADY). Now, don't get me wrong. For the most part, it's good that things are never the way they were. You now have this gorgeous, wonderful baby who adds a whole new dimension to your life and heart and who you just might drool over from time to time because he's so deliciously sweet!

But when you've been used to your grown up life, especially a job that requires efficiency, multi-tasking, responsibility and interactions with adults in an adult world, being at home all day with an infant can be a change. (Although I must say, being at home with an infant takes efficiency, multi-tasking and responsibility to a whole new level!)

And, for some reason, I LOVE IT.

I love being home, with my sole focus being this tiny, needy little baby, if I so choose to fill my day with only him. It's wonderful.

Case in point: today my office manager called to check on me (she's a close friend) and when she asked what I was doing, I told her with a laugh, that I was watching Jack poop. And yes, that's exactly what I'd spent the last 10 minutes doing! Pooping, at this tender age, can be quite the ordeal, often accompanied by lots of straining, holding of breath, and much red-facedness. Poor little thing, I was quite concerned. But that was the highlight of my morning (not really... but kind of), as he hadn't pooped in three days so I was relieved that today was the day! I'm sure he was too :).

And you know what? I didn't mind a bit that I wasn't at the office, taking overseas phone calls, typing important emails and organizing 300 person events. Dirty diapers were the focus...And somehow it was peaceful, simple and quieting. To know that Little Boy was now happy and comfortable, and my face in front of his had provided comfort when he needed it and my hands had cleaned him up. I am needed here too.

All this to say, here's to things never being the same again!

NOTE: I go back to work this week, so I'll be back to emailing, phone calling and event planning...but hopefully I will still have time to watch Little Boy poop :)


Steven and Hannah said...

I LOVE this post Christy! You are going to make the best mum ever and you already are! I admire you in all that you do!

Laura Ward said...

I totally agree with Hannah - you are a wonderful mum, Christy and I admire you greatly!! Thanks for being so honest, about the good and the bad, in this adventure of motherhood. You're an encouragement to me. Much love!