Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cousin Love

Not too much new going on with us. We had a relaxed July 4th weekend. Date night in on Friday night, visiting friends Saturday afternoon, a friend's birthday party Saturday night and then church and the pool on Sunday. Yesterday was laundry and cleaning for me and today I got my hair cut and glazed. Yes, I know, it sounds like what happens to a cake, but it's really just a trick to cover up all the grey!! Going to the hair dresser is always such a treat for me. I LOVE it! Tonight we have friends for dinner and then on Thursday morning early, we head to Chattanooga until Saturday afternoon. We're going to visit friends and for a baby shower; should be fun.

So I forgot we even had this video until I was sorting through our photos this morning. It's one of the first times that Jack and his little 'cousin twin' Alexis started noticing each other. As you can see, Jack thinks she's great fun, but then starts kicking her in the crotch...we'll have to work on manners :)

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

haha, you and i might be the only ones who think that is cute since they barely do anything the whole time =) and its still adorable to me!!