Thursday, April 15, 2010

Better late than never!

Well, apparently I'm not off to an auspicious start with this whole keeping track of my baby's milestones thing. I still haven't documented Jack's one month birthday and it was um, oh TWO WEEKS AGO...oops. There are reasons of course, but not good enough ones. Oh well. So I'm just going to stop feeling bad and put the post up here, a little late!

The biggest milestone to record, for this Mummy, was that Jack started smiling at one month! Too cute and definitely makes the hard days worthwhile. I finally managed to catch it on camera, as he LOVES his changing pad and coos and smiles when he's on there.

Here we are at his one month check up. He was in the 25% for weight at 8.15 and, of course, in the 90% for height at 22.5 inches (he'd grown 2.5 inches in four weeks). I think this will be the story of his life!

He does have reflux which we're now treating and so have a much happier baby when he eats. He's having a hard time with breastfeeding, due to being tongue tied we think, so I pump a lot and give him the bottle when he's having a rough day. Overall, however, the pediatrician was very pleased with our boy and we're so thankful he's healthy. Happy one month birthday little Jack! (even if it's a few weeks late)

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