Friday, August 6, 2010


This has been a busy week. And I'm glad it's Friday. Not just because Friday meant Mexican food and friends for dinner (thanks for coming Nathan and Nicole!), but also because I feel I can finally shut down for a few days and not think. About work, about housework, my to do list, about keeping it all together! I am so ready to relax.

Jack was teething again this week and managed to push out another little tooth right next to the first one. So now he officially has his two front teeth (bottom ones that is). This made for a very fussy, non-napping (therefore even fussier) baby this week. And he looks ADORABLE with those teeth!

On the plus side, the Prevacid has kicked in and his reflux has disappeared! Praise God! He is a totally different child come meal times and downs his bottle in 10 minutes (compare that to the 30-45 minutes it used to take him, complete with arching, kicking and screaming, and I'm not exaggerating). I am so thankful! And he's eating more too. I just wish we had got him on it sooner. Oh well.

Here are a couple of tidbits from our week:

We've been working on sitting a bit more
(He's not that into it and has such a tiny bottom that there's nothing to balance on! Ha!)

Because of the fussies, all he wanted was to be held, which wasn't conducive to getting anything done, unless I put him in the sling.

This week he learned to lie on his tummy in the bath and tried to reach for his toys. So cute!

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