Saturday, August 14, 2010

Off To The Beach We Go...

We are all packed up and ready for our beach trip. I'm sitting here with plenty of time on my hands, a quiet house, a big cup of coffee and two babies sleeping...I KNOW, it's AMAZING! How is this possible, you ask?

Well, we are taking Alexis, my niece, on the plane with us, when we fly down to FL this afternoon, and Vanessa and Sean are taking all our stuff (suitcase, toys, pac n play etc) in their van as they drive down today. Saves them an unhappy baby for 9 hours and saves us hauling all our junk through the airport. Win win!

This meant that we had to be all packed and ready when they arrived early this morning to drop Alexis off. The exchange went off smoothly: Alexis and Jack greeted each other with much rejoicing, all our luggage squeezed into the van just fine, Ness and Sean were on the road by 9 am and both babies were down for naps by 9:30. Hence, all this quiet, free time I have on my hands (well, I still have to get myself looking presentable!)

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