Sunday, May 2, 2010

Two months old

Little Jack turned 2 months old today. He's grown so much this past month (we'll find out what he weighs when we go for his check up next week), is sporting a very gratifying double chin and is fitting into some of his 0-3 month clothes (finally!). His eyes are a definite blue now, just like his Daddy and we melt when he smiles. His hair is starting to grow and so his little head is all fuzzy wuzzy right now. So cute. And he LOVES it when we change his diaper...the minute we take his pants off, he starts grinning!! Hysterical! The other thing he loves is his bath; he kicks and coos the whole time and we're subjected to ear piercing screams as soon as we take him out.

Thankfully, he seems to have outgrown his night time fussiness. He now goes to bed around 8:30 and usually sleeps until 5: 30 am. We're all fairing better because of this! We so enjoy watching our little man grow and just love him to bits!

We still can't figure out who he looks like, but we've got some newborn photos of me and Andre which he resembles, so I'll put those in another post.

Happy 2 month birthday to our little Jack!

Smiling at Grandpa

Cuddling with Nana

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