Saturday, May 29, 2010

Don't Judge...I Was Desperate!

So, here's Jack...and guess what he's doing?

Yes, he's watching American Idol. I know, I know, I'm a bad mother, but the whining was getting beyond a joke and TV (gasp) seemed like a good option in my exhausted opinion. His Daddy was scandalized but Jack seemed to enjoy himself thoroughly, as did his Mummy!

P.S. This won't be a regular occurrence :-)

1 comment:

Susanna Rose said...

Oh Christy, Christy, you aweful mom you!!;) Now Jack will be ruined forever!!!;)

I was catching up on my blog reading today and this made me chuckle! I remember when the only thing that would make Micah happy was to put him in front of Baby Einstein movies...I nicknamed him Baby Winestein!!!;) You have to do whatever will keep you sane sometimes as a mom! No matter our best intentions, few people will succeed at raising T.V. free children and trust me, by the second, you'll feel a little less guilty for turning it on when you need to!!;)

Anyways, you are an awesome mom and just remember to practise grace with yourself!:)

P.S. Jack is SO handsome but no surprise there!:)