Friday, May 7, 2010

Visiting Grandpa at work

Today Mum and I went down town to Dad's office to say hi to everyone and show Jack off :) We choose a good day to visit, as they were having a birthday lunch for one of the nurses, so we had a bite to eat with Dad. Yum! Jack behaved himself pretty well, but he wasn't giving out smiles this morning. Quite the serious little guy today!

His shirt has a picture of a dog in a pirate's hat with the words "Mommy's First Mate" embroidered on it. One of the nurses dubbed him "Captain Jack Sparrow"!

The rest of the afternoon was spent visiting an estate sale, running errands, making returns and packing for our trip back to Atlanta tomorrow. We are going to be home for a week (full of doctors appointments, visiting friends and catching up with my sister and brother) and then I fly back to Peoria next Saturday for a month. Since I have so much maternity leave, I am making the most of the time off by trying to spend a lot of it with my Mum and Dad. Andre will come up and join us the following week, after working on a couple of projects in Atlanta first. Vanessa will come up with the two girls in June and Steve will be coming for a weekend, so all three of us will be together. Hooray! I love family time!

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