Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Firsts: Anemia

This is not going to be a super interesting post. Mainly an update on what's been going on with us. We've been busy busy busy. Two weekends ago, my Mum and Dad were in town and I had two baby showers (posts and photos coming soon). I was thoroughly spoilt and felt so loved!

Right after Mum and Dad left, almost our whole family got a stomach bug (I think we'd been spreading the germs all weekend without knowing it!), which was MISERABLE. Thankfully, it was over within 48 hours for all of us. However, at my 34 week check up on Friday, I had lost 5 pounds and was still not feeling myself at all. After a really busy weekend of work and a friend's baby shower, I hibernated on Sunday with my feet up all day!

By Monday, I was still struggling with fatigue despite the rest of the day before and a good night's sleep, so took myself off to the doctor's office to be checked out. It turns out I have anemia and have been put on iron supplements. Also, that day, they couldn't get the baby to move enough for their liking so I had an ultrasound. He looks great, weighs 5 lbs 10 oz. and is getting short of space in there! However, since he still wouldn't cooperate by moving at all for the ultrasound tech, I was hooked up to the fetal monitor and given gallons of fruit juice to drink. After I gave him a little pep talk about being on his best behavior for the doctors, he got his act together and gave a satisfactory number of kicks. Finally! Of course, that night he moved so much that I didn't get much sleep! Naughty boy.

All that to say, we are fine and apart from the anemia, everything is going well still. So here's to iron supplements and all the joys that accompany those little pills!! Ah, well.

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