Thursday, August 9, 2012

8 Months Old

Sophie Joy is 8 months old today. Wow. I feel like we're racing towards the one year mark and there's no stopping it. Eeek, my baby! Especially since this week she started playing a little game: I was changing her diaper and she was playing around with her paci. I bent over her and said, "Mummy's turn" and made kissing noises at her. And what do you know, she stuck that paci right in my mouth! And then giggled. Cutest thing ever! I was really taken aback at first, since I didn't expect her to be able to understand the concept yet. She's so small I forget how old she is!
She went for a post-pneumonia follow up today and weighed in at 12.14 lbs. She went down to 12.2 during the pneumonia, so in a month she's put on a decent amount. However, that still doesn't even get her on the growth curve. So, now that she can have pretty much any regular food, the doc told me to load her up with almond butter, yoghurt and cheese. So far she's only had cereal, veggies and a few fruits, so we'll see if we can fatten her up on some dairy!
As far as her health goes, her lungs sound nice and clear, but she is still having a lot of rapid breathing. Since they've ruled out heart and metabolic problems, they want to do a test to evaluate her swallowing. The test will show if she is aspirating milk into her lungs when she swallows. She also has a high white blood cell count in her urine so they sent off a sample to test for another UTI. Poor baby just can't get well. Please pray for her to recover fully, so she can just GROW!
She can now sit on her own and does well reaching for toys. Jack thinks it's funny to push her over, so we've had to have some pretty serious chats about being gentle and kind. Sophie loves him like crazy despite his rough-housing. She is getting more hair and her eyes are a greenish/grayish/bluish. Very indeterminate still. Two VERY tiny little teeth popped through today. I thought she was never going to get any!!! So the milestones are flying by. It is such a joy to watch her growing up and we are loving how her personality is emerging. Love you Baby Girl!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Christy, I say this everytime, but your little Sophie is just gorgeous! I laughed at the bit when you said she is getting teeth and you thought they would never come...Evie didn't get her first tooth until she was 15 months old...I seriously thought she would need baby dentures! Ha! Hope that baby girl is feeling better and growing quickly over the next few girls were always below or barely on the growth chart (Evie us still under the 5th percentile). Love and miss you! Come to ROME!!!