Friday, July 6, 2012


He's two. And not terrible. Just terribly cute. And funny and suddenly very interesting to talk to. We are loving this stage with our boy! He only started saying words in October and could say about thirty by the time Christmas rolled around. And now, six months later, we are having full conversations, not just about what's happened today or what we're having for supper, but how he feels about all of it. And being greeted by "Mummy, I missed you!" is the best part of my day.

"Sophie, you CUTE" is his compliment of choice for the little sister. And he's desperate for her to "grow big girl" so she can "pfay me". Hopefully he still feels the same when she starts taking his toys! His newest obsession is "base-bat-ball". Yes, he has discovered the world of sports. A large soft toy baseball and a T-ball bat are his fondest possessions. I have had to scrape the bottom of the rather empty barrel that is my brain at the moment, trying to remember baseball terminology! Dear boy, he's just thrilled when I'm the "pitcher" and he gets to be the "base-bat-ball guy". Precious child.

You, Jack Boy, are quite my "favewit" boy around. 

1 comment:

Laura Ward said...

Those photos of Jack are gorgeous! What a wonderful boy; can't wait to meet him! :)