Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Time to say goodbye...

After spending two months in Illinois with my parents, we are finally packing up and heading home tomorrow. It's been a wonderful time for lots of reasons and I'm sure it'll take some adjusting when we get back home! The Husbie has had several remodeling projects up here which is why we stayed so long. Anyway, although we've been away from home, I've felt awfully busy and haven't kept up with the blog. So, for your viewing pleasure, here's a recap of our trip :
We celebrated Mum's birthday before she left for her trip to England

We weaned Jack off his pacifier, high chair and bib! He is so proud to sit in a big chair now!
And Sophie started rice cereal and apple sauce
Liesl and her boys visited

Sophie turned 5 months old....

And then six...

The peonies bloomed, and then the roses and now June has brought the hydrangeas out. There is nothing like having fresh flowers in the house!

We celebrated Mother's Day...

And then Father's Day
Mum returned from England...

And brought back Granny who is visiting from Cape Town

Sophie went swimming for the first time
And Jack learned to swim with water wings!

Cousin Wyn came to visit

And helped Sophie celebrate her half birthday!

And Jack spent most of his time outside playing with the dogs...
Swinging on the new playground (or "mine park" as he calls it) that Daddy put up in the back garden

And generally being a boy!

And don't ask me what I've been doing all this time. Whenever someone asks me that, and I can't come up with anything worthwhile, I simply say, "Keeping the children alive"!

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