Some thoughts for our Boy…
Suddenly saying more, imitating, he watches everything we do
Now able to ask for what he wants, life is a little less frustrating
Suddenly “reading” by himself, playing more alone, chatting to his toys
He lives life a little more independently each day
He keeps us laughing, calling his stuffed Eeyore “Mule”
He’s traded in “Dadoo” for the oh-so-grown-up sounding “Daddy”
He asks us to “come” and “go”; grabs my hand and is now leading me
He’s about to relinquish the title of Baby for that of Big Brother
And how did he get so tall?
He bows his head, folds his hands, eyes closed as we pray
I pray this ritual becomes all-important, an intricate part of his every day
He raises his arms wide to show that God is everywhere
I raise my hands high, offering him back to our everywhere God
He points to himself when we ask who God loves
I gather him up, knowing my mother love doesn’t come close to His
Each month passes and I’m thankful we’re all he knows now
Praying that he soon knows the All in All
I’m thankful there is more for him, thankful there is Someone Else
The Some-one who created him, who gave him to us, who grows him, who woos him
Little Boy, may you grow up to follow hard and fast after Him