Friday, April 1, 2011

Room Makeover and The Flood

For the last month our house has been in a state of chaos. Which has slowly driven us mad (although I must say, the Husbie has put up with it all very well considering he's the neatest of neat freaks!). First, we decided to repaint our bedroom. The caramel walls needed a makeover, so fresh pale blue-gray was chosen, after much debating. Then just as we were used to the mess from moving our bedroom into the living room, the washing machine broke, overflowed and caused a flood in one part of our condo (And serious damage in the condo below us. And poured into the basement parking lot. Yes, it really really overflowed!). So we had to move quite a bit out of that area into the living as well. Chaos! It's slowly getting sorted out now, but was rather interesting there for a bit. Here are some pics of all the interestingness :)

Trying to mop up the mess

And there was lots of mess

Anyway, here are the before and after shots of our room. I've still got to put pictures up etc., but you get the idea. I'm really pleased with how the color turned out and am so happy to have a "new" bedroom!



And after

Thank you Husbie, for doing such a beautiful job!

1 comment:

Hilarie said...

The room looks beautiful. Good choice guys and good job Andre!