So our poor child has still been using the infant car seat. At 11 months old. I know, I hate to admit it. But the fact that he was out growing it somehow escaped me and perhaps, secretly, I didn't want to acknowledge how big he was getting!
Andre has just finished a big painting project and so had a day to hang out with us. We decided it was CAR SEAT DAY! After visiting Babies R Us and seeing one we really liked (Safety First Alpha Omega Elite for $180), Andre found the exact same seat at Sams Club on the clearance rack with no price tag on it. Long story short, we love the very kind sales lady at Sams. She decided that $70 sounded like a good price for a clearance car seat. Say what?! Unbelievably amazing.
I will definitely be adding that to my 1000 gifts of thankfulness list :)
What a steal!!! Bought the exact same car seat for Rane and paid the $180!:) Good for you! I remember when we put R in it for the first time and it swallowed him whole...they are still so tiny at 1 but need to be in that big car seat! It's so cute!
It was me, not Spencer! :)
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