Sunday, October 19, 2008

Catching up

Catching up a bit from the last few weeks: our sister-in-law Rachel also has a birthday in October, so we all celebrated together over dinner two weeks ago.

A few days later, Andre and I, along with Vanessa and little Michaela, set off to Peoria, IL to visit my parents and grandmother, who is in the States for three months. This was three month old Michaela's first plane trip and she is a first class traveler! She rode happily through the airport in her carrier and "people-watched"...

...had a comfortable nap in the Crown Lounge before getting on the plane...

..where she didn't much like the flight attendant's loud announcements, but ended up sleeping all the way to Peoria...

...where she met Sasha...

...visited Grampa at his new office...

...was cuddled endlessly by Nana, Grampa and Great-Granny...

...and was generally just gorgeous!

As for us "grown-ups" we had fun too, celebrating Andre's birthday (a bit early) and my birthday (a bit late), with a wonderful coffee chocolate cake for tea and lovely pressies-thanks Mum and Dad...

...and a fun evening with Granny seeing the show "Mamma Mia"(thanks for the tickets Mum and Dad!)

A good trip all round with lots of family time and good rest.

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