Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Showers

During an afternoon of pouring rain, Andre and I prepared for a bridal shower we were hosting yesterday evening. Lots of cleaning, scrubbing and tidying to be done at our house! Since vacuuming isn't quite his thing at the moment (!), Andre opted to chop things instead. And because Mexican food was on the menu, there was quite a bit to slice. Many bowls of lettuce, tomatoes, limes and bananas later, we were ready. Twenty adults, three toddlers and two infants showed up; burritos were eaten, margaritas drunk, presents opened and one IV given--the evening was a success!

1 comment:

Susanna Rose said...

You guys are so good at entertaining and having large groups of people in your house! We miss you and are happy for the Gardner's daughter as well! I assume she is the one engaged?:)