Sunday, March 9, 2008

Nasty turn of events!

Not been in touch with most of you this week due to the craziness that has been going on! Sorry about that friends.

Thank you for your prayers for Andre. During the second operation on Wednesday, the surgeon took some samples of the tissues in the knee. The lab results came back on Thursday afternoon, with a diagnosis of a severe infection called MRSA. We went in to see the doctor on Friday morning for a post-op and were told that he was to go to hospital that afternoon for a PICC line to be put in (a permanent IV post/needle) and then he would have to have IV antibiotics morning and evening for up to 8 weeks in order to get rid of the infection.

By Friday evening, the PICC line was in, the home nurse had come to our house, and I was learning to give Andre an IV every 12 hours! This being Sunday, I feel I'm an old hand at it, but the first couple of times were rather nerve-racking!

As of last night, the surgeon has decided to perform another operation, this time to remove the ACL cadaver, on Wednesday. He believes it may be infected and doesn't want to risk using that one. Then for two months, Andre will be on the IV antibiotic. After that, they will hopefully be able to do another ACL replacement, like the first surgery. So, much longer and more tedious recovery than at first anticipated!

Please keep praying for both of us. Thanks!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Goodness, gracious! Thanks for the update. We will continue to pray for you both. What a hassle, but I am thankful the doctor isn't taking any risks and trying his best to get Andre back to full health!