Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Keeping Them Busy...

So. This weekend, I've seen alot of the couch. And my pillow.

 After getting back from our impromptu trip to Orlando on Thursday evening, I started feeling really achy and feverish. By Friday morning my throat was terribly painful and my fever was over 101. Things continued this way all weekend. I thought I had caught Sophie's virus and figured it would run it's course.

But this morning I woke up with pink, crusty eyes. Lovely. So I bundled myself off to the doc, only to discover I have tonsillitis and pink eye. Unrelated, but both needing antibiotics. Well, the tonsillitis would explain why I wasn't recovering on my own, even after 5 days!

Let me just say, the silver lining to all this is that I am actually really thankful for the pink eye, as it forced me to go to the doctor! Thinking I had a virus I was convinced they wouldn't be able to do anything and it would be a waste to go. Glad I did, cause adult tonsillitis is NO fun and doesn't resolve easily on it's own. And let me tell you, the descriptions she gave me of my tonsils made sense given the way they feel!

All this to say, although Hubby has been very helpful with the kids, there have been times I needed that pillow, and just had to keep them busy while I hit the couch for a few minutes. Here they are today, doing play dough for the first time together :)

Love their concentration!

And Sophie didn't eat it! Jack kept watch over her which was very helpful.
Please pray they don't catch the pink eye!!

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