Monday, February 4, 2013

So.... did not go as planned. Come to think of it, I didn't really have a plan for today which proved helpful, as it was spent at the doctor's office and then at the local Children's Hospital getting x-rays done for Sophie. Both kids have been sick this past week with bad colds, but Sophie got worse over the weekend and by this morning was having trouble keep her oxygen levels up even while on the O2. Grunting, panting and a heart rate of 190 was not my idea of a child getting better, so off to the doc we went.

As is typical with her disease, the x-rays proved somewhat unclear but apparently she has some sort of viral interstitial pneumonitis going on. Just have to wait it out and hope that she can conquer the bug on her own without a hospital stay.

She is much better tonight, despite missing her afternoon nap, so here's to her mending well! Personally, I think the big pink balloon from the radiologist helped :)

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