Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Sophie's one year portraits were scheduled today at The Picture People (love that place for easy, cheap, frequent pics!). Now, this trip to the mall always takes a lot out of me. It's the kids and the stroller and the change of outfits and the snacks and the wait time and, well, just getting there. I dread it.

And let me tell you, today the odds were stacked against me. Sophie up three times last night teething, Jack with a dreadful cold, a torrential downpour outside, and a couple of late nights under my belt. I anticipated disaster all round!

Much to my surprise (and armed with a few good tips from my dear sister), it was a relatively pleasant experience! Jack kept busy with movies on the computer and some nuggets, while Sophie didn't cry for the camera and even gave us a few smiles. And I got to use a lovely coupon that arrived this week.

Whew. Glad that's over for another six months!

P.S. And yes, her oxygen is off. Just this once. Just for her birthday portraits.


Steven and Hannah said...

She looks precious! And she even smiled - good job Soph!!

Laura Ward said...

So adorable!