Sporting her hospital bracelet after some tests. Sweet girl didn't cry once, through all these appointments!
The Lord was very good to us in giving us real peace through the process, kind efficient doctors, and very quick test results each time. Thank you all for praying! To summarize, her blood tests and sweat test (for cystic fibrosis) are all normal/negative. The cyst on the back of her throat is benign (praise God!), but does need to be removed and that surgery is scheduled for June 5. The ENT, who looked at the cyst, also found an ear infection and prescribed antibiotics which we started last Friday. And ever since taking the meds, she has been finishing bottles and, drumroll please, has gained 11 oz in a week!!!! We think she may have had an underlying infection that the antibiotics have resolved. So now her body can use all those calories to add weight rather than fighting some nasty-ness going on!But all this gallivanting, prodding and poking had her all tired out!
It is so good to see her a little more interested in her bottle and also to see the scale tipping 11 pounds now. And it's just good not to be worrying for her. Another very kind reassurance the Lord gave us this week was that she reached several milestones during all this testing:
She started grabbing, batting and holding her toys
Praising God for his grace in giving Sophie her health and allowing her growth to improve! And here's to a doctor-appointment-free month ahead!