Saturday, February 4, 2012

23 Months Old

Our precious boy turned 23 months old on Thursday. Can't BELIEVE that next month brings his second birthday! As he would say, "It's AMAZING!" Yes, he is talking like crazy now and keeps us laughing at the things that come out of his mouth. I'm not sure if we're laughing at how funny he is or just that he actually talks intelligibly now and sounds so grown up. We very often don't even realize he knows a word or concept until he says it out loud. It's incredible how much is stored up in that little brain of his. I don't usually list facts about him but thought I'd document some of his words/phrases he uses right now:

Happy Meals are "happys" made up of chicken "nuggens" and a "sake" (milkshake)
He was in the bath the other night and let out gas really loudly...he said "Burps. I heard it. Burps."!
If Sophie is in her bouncy seat, he'll go over and get in her face and say, "Hewo Suphie" followed by a kiss on her head.
Fowow" if he wants you to follow him
"Guys, kids, fwends, teacher, paint, toys, twain"...all words he says when asked about school
"Fank U, welcome" for thank you. He seems to think it all runs together and that he has to say welcome too!
If something is wrong and we fix it, he says "Better"
He's started talking to himself in a whisper and often he'll be looking at something and say, "Amazing" or "Wow"

There are lots more cute things but I won't bore you with them and truthfully I can't remember everything right this minute. I just know he's the cutest 23 month old around :)

Found him sitting on the toilet like this the other day!

We had a family pizza night with with left over champagne from New Year's Eve and he loved toasting with his very own real glass

He loves putting Sophia's paci or bottle in her mouth, but
usually pulls it right out again...poor girlie!

Happy almost 2, my sweet Boy! We love you and love watching you grow and learn.

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