So yes, we're expecting...And over the moon about it! We found out I was pregnant the week before July 4th and have been excited and anxious and amazed every since. We are so thankful to the Lord for this blessing and so grateful that everything seems to be going really well so far.
It's all been pretty by the book so far: by 5 weeks I was off my food and by 6 weeks couldn't keep much down. By 7 weeks I couldn't even eat popsicles without throwing them up. I tried everything from ginger ale to crackers but seemed to spend much of the time in the bathroom! Thankfully, there are some wonderful meds out there that enabled me to keep some food down and just this week I've been able to come off them completely and still keep most of my meals in my tummy :)I'm really happy to be off them as they made me so sleepy. Those and work were not a good combination! And when I took them at night I was sometimes asleep by 6 pm, so poor Andre had some lonely evenings! But at least I was able to eat a decent amount of nutrition. And I'm definitely starting to see the light at the end of that (very worthwhile, I might add) tunnel!
I'm 14.5 weeks now, feeling slightly more awake, slightly bigger than usual (wearing maternity pants now!) and slightly more into my food. Yesterday saw us at the Doc again for a monthly check. Everything looked great and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat--best sound in the whole world! It's in the 150s which is somewhere right in the middle (140s usually means boy and 160s usually means girl at this point), so no clues there!
Well, if you're still reading, you now know all there is know about our baby story so far :) Thanks to all my wonderful friends who have been so supportive, in spite of all my neglect of you've all been so sweet with phone calls and cards and your happiness for us.
Baby Y at 8 weeks