Sunday, May 4, 2008

South Carolina

This evening saw us back home after five wonderfully restful days in South Carolina. Some very kind friends lent us their condo in Garden City Beach, where we enjoyed beautiful weather and plenty of rest.

Andre even dipped into the rather chilly sea!

One afternoon Andre lost his wedding ring in the sand. We rented a little metal detector and lo and behold... was found!


Jana said...

Christy, I'm so glad you two got to get away to Garden City. That's where we go in the summer with Kane's family and it is a lovely beach. So glad the ring was found!

Love you both!

Ruth Cox said...

ah! the ring is NOT missing! what a joy--and how amazing are metal detectors!

glad you got to go, and that it was relaxing, and SO glad you are back. Let's hang out soon!